Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can yogurt be converted into sour cream?

I read it somewhere on the net, but didn't keep the recipe - just add milk powder to the yogurt and let it sit. If you have the proportions of milk powder to yogurt, please could you share them with me?Can yogurt be converted into sour cream?
OR you can just put it in cheese cloth over night in a seive and let the moisture drain. If you leave it too long, though, you will have a cream cheese like substance. So, now you know how to make both. (I like making the fruit flavoured ones into cream cheese for bagels!!)Can yogurt be converted into sour cream?
no it cant but as the other andwer said you con use it as a sub
I don't know about converting it, but it can be replaced with in many recipes (plain, of course)
I know that you take plain yogurt and place it in a coffee filter to drain it you can sub. it for sour cream I have done this in the past but it takes like 24 hours to do.

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