Thursday, December 31, 2009

How do you use ambi fade cream for normal skin?

How do you use ambi fade cream?

Okay so you use it twice a day. and 10 minutes you mouistrize?

but what if a few hours later you wash your face shouldn't yu put the cream on? and i got the one for normal skin and my skin is oily.How do you use ambi fade cream for normal skin?
only apply it twice a day as it says. once the cream has been absorbed into your skin, theres no need to reapply, so no after you wash your face a couple hours later, you dont need to do it again. the easiest way to keep track of when to use it is to put it on in the morning when you wake up, and then put it on again at night before bed. no more worries :)
  • sensitive skin
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