Friday, December 18, 2009

Does it make a difference if you shave your legs with shaving cream?

Sometimes I just use body wash but my friends say I shouldn't. Should you always use shaving cream?Does it make a difference if you shave your legs with shaving cream?
I think yes, When i shave with just body wash when I'm in a hurry my legs are really dry after words. I think shaving with shaving cream really protects your legs more and creates a smoother serf ace for the the blades which in-turn is smoother on your legs.Does it make a difference if you shave your legs with shaving cream?
definatly use the cream it makes the cut better. in a pinch you could use soap or body wash though. Plus, always trust your friends.
No it doesn't really make a difference. I used to use shaving cream but now i just use my hair shampoo or conditioner. I find it works better and leaves my legs feeling smoother. But it also depends on the razor you have. But when you have the chance you should really try using hair conditioner!! Because it conditions your legs as well as makes it easier to shave (doesn't give you stubble).
It's not always necessary, in a pinch, but shaving creams are better for your skin. As well, they are generally being thicker, which helps to prevent razor burn. I don't notice razor burn when I shave with shaving cream, but do occasionally if I run out and must you body wash. Just like men use shaving cream (and most wouldn't dare go without!) women should too on their legs.
cream just makes it a little smoother after ward like youve applied lotion or something but you can do that onj your own
A shave is a shave but the shaving creams have extra emoilents that make your legs real smooth and silky.
You can wax, but I use cream.

It lasts for about two weeks

and leaves legs feeling softer and smoother

where as when you shave, you're left with stubble.

Ooh wait ..

.. I'm talking about HAIR REMOVAL CREAM.

That's what I meant.
Yes.. it makes a difference. Using regular soap is a no-no. Because the saop is soo thin and your skin can get damaged, but the shaving cream has moisturizers and vitamins that protects your skin from getting cut and damage from the blade..
  • sensitive skin
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